Wednesday, January 20, 2010

a little sick

I bought this crazy thing today, I am so excited to get it and use it for the air-drying of the new (and old) diapers...

I bought it for two reasons: I needed a new rack that didn't have flaking red paint that sticks to the diapers (who knows what kind of crazy stuff is in that paint? it was made in China, who can say that it wasn't the same paint found on James the Tank Engine?), and I needed to bring peace and harmony to my husband's being.

Because: too much information is sometimes the tipping point, and makes those on the edge fall right off. And I will leave it at that.

Uli has been sick *again* for the last two days. He slept most of the afternoon on my chest, which is weird to say, as he's 30 pounds and nearly 3 feet long, and so really, it was just his head on my chest. Poor little feverish Sunny Son. He was better about it all yesterday, and tolerated the hippie potions, magic sprays and baths, and even let me give him a little Motrin before bed. Today was a different story - none of it was tolerated. So, he's making his way through a high fever (~103) on his own, and it's okay by me. Bodies are amazing, and I think that the arsenal of weapons that we've developed over the many, many, many years really does deserve some respect. Please don't think of me as a neglecting Mama - I am far from that, but I trust his body, my intuition, and the clinical education for which I still am providing monthly installments though its been years since I was actually in school. I am not anti-drug, after all, my business is getting drugs (and devices, right Gretchen?) from development to market. Nope, no anti-drug fanatic at all, just one to respect and allow the body to work its magic, and only intervene if really necessary. Let immunology take its course, heat up the body, kill off those nasties, and come out that much stronger (and naturally immune!) later.

While my cold bones were eating up the heat my son was giving off, I read a lot about the criticisms of Waldorf schools, and despite the negatives that were provided, I still think I need to check it out for myself. From the superficial look I've had into this type of school, it actually looks quite appealing to me, as it really respects the spiritual being through its journey of life. If my mother knew of this type of school and had access to it for me and my sister, I am quite certain that she and I would have attended one, at least for a few years. I don't know that Kim or I would have stayed in one, as she and I are both naturally competitive and need strong challenge, but we would have been exposed.

Waldorf is based on the principles of Rudolf Steiner, and his teachings on Anthroposophy, and were documented in the early 20's. Despite the spirituality of the teachings, I don't know that I can be fully on the Anthroposophy train, as Steiner comes from Nazi Germany and some of his teachings reflect that time (This is a statement based on what I've read OF Steiner. I have not ever read any of his actual writings or transcripts).

Like all school systems, there are positive and negative aspects of the Waldorf system. What I want is a place that will support, encourage, and challenge my son while respecting our family and our choices. I am not sure I will find that in a public school (sorry, Kup!).

Ultimately, my take home today was that all of the schools are different, and the experience will depend on the school. Hopefully, I'll be able to figure all of this out in the next few years before Uli heads off to school (3 years is enough, right?)

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