Friday, October 22, 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010

Autumn Walk

The warm hats and clothes finally came out this weekend, as temperatures finally dropped. The wood stove is on, and the cider has been warmed with cinnamon. We are embracing fall... Uli and I searched for items to include on our nature tree, all the while being photographic by the family cyclops. A good day...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Late last week Uli and Brian went to the store and came back with a lovely new art easel. Although we didn't need another chalk board (two big walls in our house are covered in chalkboard paint), the easel came with one. While the Sunny Son waited for his paints to arrive, he was busy with his chalkboard and colored pencils. I think Dad was a little proud of his son...
I have been feeling better since my surgery, and my back is healing nicely. I still get tired during the day, and sleeping is still a bit uncomfortable, but we are researching alternatives to help me sleep. I am keeping busy with projects (so many new crochet items...) and slowly knocking things off my list. It's been nice to feel some sense of completion. I head back to work in two weeks, and my calendar is slowly filling up. I keep reminding myself to slow down and enjoy this time...

Monday, October 4, 2010

1 week of rest

A week has gone since I had my surgery - funny - it went by quickly. Could be the medication haze to which I am NOT accustomed. I am already brewing some herbal concoctions to save my stomach from the NSAIDs and heavier chemicals, and I am pretty certain a fast is in my near future. Until then, I will continue occupying my days with many crochet projects, like Uli's vest above, and catching up on all the silly shows I've missed since we gave up TV. Thank God for the Internet.

Friday, October 1, 2010

{this moment} - thank you, friends

Please forgive the unmade bed and sheets that barely fit. This picture is me these last few days post surgery, and the love I feel from my friends. Those flowers remind me of the beautiful people I know from work and play. Thanks for helping me and getting me through this time. I am not nearly as strong or tough as I once thought. Much love...