Wednesday, February 8, 2012

This blog is going off-line

I have gotten pissed off at this blogger one too many times. Please follow me here:


Monday, January 16, 2012

On Food...

Today I will write about food. And I will be serious. Hang in there, its not too bad, and it ends with a picture.
My life has revolved around food for a long, long, long time. My relationship with food has matured and changed (and digressed, too) over the years, and I still live for food.
I have a degree in Nutritional Sciences. What that means is that I was too obstinate to do any of the mandatory dietetic courses so that I could become a Registered Dietician, and that I wasn't motivated enough to become a doctor. Over the years, I have let my education tarnish a bit, to the point that it is painful for me to provide consultations for people (I do get a request every now and then). This has been fine with me, as my career is not nutrition oriented, but as my kids grow and our lives change, I have started to feel like I need to pull out some lemon juice and polish off the files.
BUT, before I get into that, I am going to get serious. I have spent a lot of time trying to find my way with food. I once heard that 'psychologists choose their profession because they are a little crazy.' I think that applies to me too, except that I became a nutritionist because I am food crazy. It started in high school, first I became a vegetarian in an effort to improve my health (I have always been VERY VERY TIRED). At some point, I then started restricting food - not a full blown anorexic, but I did not have a healthy relationship with food or my body. I was able to move on from that, but stayed vegetarian (and even became a vegan) up through college. I was still tired. I was seeing doctors all the time, and several times was told my fatigue was all in my head. At some point in my education, I realized that what was being taught to me - balance, moderation, and variety - should be implemented in my life. I started eating meat. I felt better, but was still tired (it’s a weird tired, I felt heavy all the time, like molasses). I then started racing mountain bikes, and was training with some pretty elite athletes. I then became bulimic, and couldn't kick it. It took me moving thousands of miles away to my parents house to let it go. Admittedly, bulimia never really goes away, but it’s been under control since I stopped racing bikes.
While I was a vegetarian I became very obsessed with being a "healthy" eater. Those obsessions have survived, and I still eat clean, meaning that I don't eat processed food, I eat organic when possible, eat whole grains, etc. I joined a meat CSA a few years ago (I will miss them; I hope I find one I love as much in Boulder!), I grow a lot during the summer, and I can a lot of food. I thought I was a really healthy person and was very proud of how I ate. Also, I never succumbed to any 'diet,' as my schooling taught me to stay away from all the fad diets. Just keep eating a variety of balanced foods in moderation. Textbook. Because I don't care about fad diets, I have never really
paid attention to them (BDP will also say I don't pay attention to much, especially if its in the news).
Well... I am now tending to my second nursling, and of course, both were born with food issues (somehow I imprinted on them in the womb). Uli was tough - he had a tomato allergy that transferred in my breast milk, and also had allergies to milk, oats, and a few other things. Being married to an Italian made the tomato allergy particularly tough because he's an awesome cook. Orson is much tougher - he was so colicky and would SCREAM for hours until I started eliminating food. I starting kicking the big allergens - dairy, eggs, wheat, corn - and started to do some research. A while back, I remember hearing about Loren Cordain's book "The Paleo Diet," and thought the premise made sense, but again didn't do any research because I thought it would be another fad. When all of this started with Orson, I felt nudged to go and take a look at
this cave man diet.
I have been grain free since October and I feel SO MUCH BETTER. I am not tired anymore. After all that time, all it took was eliminating grains, beans, and getting off of refined sugars. My mood improved drastically, which is probably the biggest benefit I could ask for, as I am known for some pretty swell mood swings. Luckily, I have been able to start back on eggs, but I am committed to Paleo now. I will never go back, but I may have to have some dairy every now and then by way of some ice cream. At least on my birthday, right?
So, now I am wanting to dust off the cobwebs and start to spread the word. I am still not sure what avenue that will take, but I have been thinking about taking some more nutrition courses and becoming a certified nutritionist (I will never become a dietician). In the meantime, I am stalking as many paleo blogs and websites as I can and trying to convince my husband to part ways with his pasta and bread.
And, I did promise a picture so….
On the left, my PALEO BABY Orson, and on the right, my pasta lover, Uli. Both of these are their first go at solids - Orson today, and Uli almost 4 years ago...

Monday, January 9, 2012

Blog, Revived

It has been a long, long time since I posted here. A lot has happened since October 2009. In a nutshell:

:: I became host to another parasite (a baby, not that kind of parasite. Ew.);

:: I went outside a few times;

:: I made a few things from yarn & fabric;

:: Uli and I picked a LOT of blueberries, a few strawberries, and several bushels of apples;

:: I birthed my parasite in another planned homebirth (welcome Orson);

:: I quit my job to stay at home with the baby;

:: I started following the Paleo Diet (thanks Orson...);

:: We decided to move from the house where my babies were born (literally) to the Rocky Mountains (cue John Denver).

Needless to say, I have also started stress eating. I'll talk about that another day...
Over the year and a few months, I have found a lot of blogs to read, mostly about Paleo, but also a few about crafting (find my faves in the sidebar!), and in reading them, I found a site that really struck home regarding what I want blogging to be for me and my family. As you know, I have struggled to keep on top of this blog, primarily because my main focus was my family, and then 'my time' during which I crocheted or sewed. While I do like to protect my time, that blog introduced the concept of an online scrapbook of how she spends her days with her son. I like that idea. So simple. I can't believe that didn't hit me before. Oy.
So, my goal will be to update this blog at least weekly. An update of the previous week's goings on in order to preserve a little piece of history for my boys. A weekly postcard of crazy for my men. I think it will be especially wonderful at this very point in time, as we shift as a family from East Coasters to Mountain dwellers. The adventure will be AWESOME.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010

Autumn Walk

The warm hats and clothes finally came out this weekend, as temperatures finally dropped. The wood stove is on, and the cider has been warmed with cinnamon. We are embracing fall... Uli and I searched for items to include on our nature tree, all the while being photographic by the family cyclops. A good day...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Late last week Uli and Brian went to the store and came back with a lovely new art easel. Although we didn't need another chalk board (two big walls in our house are covered in chalkboard paint), the easel came with one. While the Sunny Son waited for his paints to arrive, he was busy with his chalkboard and colored pencils. I think Dad was a little proud of his son...
I have been feeling better since my surgery, and my back is healing nicely. I still get tired during the day, and sleeping is still a bit uncomfortable, but we are researching alternatives to help me sleep. I am keeping busy with projects (so many new crochet items...) and slowly knocking things off my list. It's been nice to feel some sense of completion. I head back to work in two weeks, and my calendar is slowly filling up. I keep reminding myself to slow down and enjoy this time...

Monday, October 4, 2010

1 week of rest

A week has gone since I had my surgery - funny - it went by quickly. Could be the medication haze to which I am NOT accustomed. I am already brewing some herbal concoctions to save my stomach from the NSAIDs and heavier chemicals, and I am pretty certain a fast is in my near future. Until then, I will continue occupying my days with many crochet projects, like Uli's vest above, and catching up on all the silly shows I've missed since we gave up TV. Thank God for the Internet.