Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Spring Fever!!!

(ahem, in my best falsetto): 'Spring is here, oh Spring is here...'

I have been outside every day, either running, riding, chasing my Sunny Son, digging in the dirt, or some combination of the above. I have a tan. I have dirt under my fingernails. I can't be in a better mood.

Uli and I went shopping for dirt, which sounds totally silly to me. Brian recently wiped out the rickety old garage on our property, which opened up a huge space of pure sunny-ness. PERFECT for raised garden beds. Brian filled in the chasm which once held the garage foundation, layered gravel, then pea gravel, and now my beds have a new home. Dirt and broccoli shopping:

In other news, my adventures in sewing fizzled out. I am totally frustrated with the dress I started, and the purse I wanted to make for my Mommy was a disaster. I did manage to pull off quite a cute shirt for Uli from this fantastic fabric from Japan before things went downhill.

I am picking up hooking again:

This box of yarn met me at the door yesterday. It is full of O-Wool, for a project I have promised for a 'local' shop in Milford, NH. The Stork is all about organic goods for babies and toddlers, and I approached them about selling my diaper soakers. They agreed to consign, and now I have committed to three colors in three sizes. Can you guess one of the colors?

Work is busy again... maybe my yarn and hook (and the dirt and good weather) will help keep me a bit more grounded this time.

1 comment:

  1. Mmm.... 2 of my favorite things - lots of yarn and plants and dirt! Looks like fun. And great colors!
