Tuesday, June 8, 2010


...or would it be called multi-tasking? I need to finish up my first 'order' for Stork, and so I am now toting my crocheting around with me. This is a good thing - I finish my projects, but I also get the added value of 2 15 minute sessions of mindful crocheting - meditation if you will. A very, very good thing right now...
On another note, and perhaps the primary reason I need my mindful meditation these days... I am unhappy with where Uli goes to school. The vibe has changed so much. I am seriously considering moving him to another school - I am looking at a local Montessori school. Thoughts to share? I read many blogs that love this type of schooling - I would love to hear some feedback if anyone has some to share, good or bad.

1 comment:

  1. I'm Sorry you are unhappy with his current school. So stressful on a Mama. I have researched both Montessori and Expeditionary learning schools. They are very similar, the Epeditionary schools usually start in K and just extend thru 8th grade or high school.Montessori schools focus on early learning and elementary school. I have had such a hard time starting Joshua in school. He is smart, active, well spoken and a hands on learner. He loves to be in the thick of it building or creating things. Unfortunately most traditional schools do no have the space, time or staff to accomodate this. Joshua's kindergarten class was completely based off of work sheets and a short reading group, which he was already beyond but there were no teachers available for an advanced level reading class. He was so BORED and the teacher and principles solution was to give him harder worksheets ;( A HUGE reason we are not extending in Hawaii and do not want to come back is due to the school system. The public schools are poor, there are very few charter schools and private are so expensive.If I have learned anything after Joshua's first year of school it is to follow your Mama instict. You know what best suits your child. I personally think, especially for boys, hands on, self paced learning is the best way to go. All they want to do is explore and test things out.
    My biggest concern with sending Joshua to Montessori or Exp. schools is that I would want him to attend as long as possible. I have read that kids who attend either types of schools do very well transitioning to Public/Traditional schools. I have also read that many who attend Montessori type schools do better in high school as they are taught problem solving skills and are self learners. I say if you have the opportunity, DO IT!

    LOVE YOU, this Mom stuff is hard work :)
    This is my dream school http://www.rmsel.org/
